Gimp 2.6.2 Release Brings Major Bug Fixes
Developers of the Gnu Image Manipulation Program Gimp have released the second bug fix for the Gimp 2.6.
The new version 2.6.2 not only fixes a number of different bugs, it also comes with translation updates, including French and Czech. One fixed bug concerns the compatibility with GEGL 0.0.20, the experimental graphics library that amongst other tasks enables HDR. Another big problem is scaling.Version 2.6 is a lot slower than the 2.4, it does not print to scale and shows graphics with jagged edges.
Gimp no longer crashes when an open image is previewed, and the Curves tool now saves free curves. The latest Gimp will also build when using Sun CC on Solaris 2.8. With a fault in the official Url, the changelog can until now only be read here. The new version can be viewed on the Gimp download page.
Yesterday's Ubuntu release already has Gimp 2.6 on board, so fixes can be expected through the package manager soon. OpenSuse 11.0 users can install Gimp 2.6 via an external repository.