Linux Foundation Releases a New Draft of OpenChain Spec
OpenChain provides a standard for open source compliance throughout the software supply chain.
The OpenChain project is releasing a draft of its OpenChain 2.0 specification.
OpenChain is a critical open source project that offer a standard for open source compliance in the supply chain. Open Source is powering the modern world; every company is consuming open source in a way or the other. It’s becoming critical that they comply with the license used. “OpenChain provides a specification as well as overarching processes, policies, and training that companies need to be successful in managing open source license compliance so that it becomes more efficient, understandable and predictable for participants of the software supply chain,” said the OpenChain blog post.
The Linux Foundation has also announced that Microsoft is joining the OpenChain project as a platinum member. Under the leadership of Satya Nadella, Microsoft has become more active in its support of open source initiatives. As a lot of open source code flows through Microsoft’s own products and services, it’s critical for the company to ensure that it is totally in compliance with open source.
“By joining the OpenChain Project, we look forward to working alongside the community to define compliance standards that help build confidence in the open source ecosystem and supply chain,” said David Rudin, Assistant General Counsel, Microsoft.
Other platinum members of the OpenChain project include Adobe, ARM Holdings, Cisco, Comcast, Facebook, GitHub, Google, Harman International, Hitachi, Qualcomm, Siemens, Sony, Toshiba, Toyota, Uber, and Western Digital.