Mozilla Recruiting Test Pilots

Aug 14, 2009

Mozilla Labs is looking for users who have fun experimenting with the free browser's new features and is collecting structured feedback.

On the platform Mozilla Test Pilot, the project will collect reports of the experiences users have when working with Firefox. "As a Test pilot, not only will you try before anyone else the newest features and coolest user-interface ideas, you could also learn how those test results may contribute to future designs," says Mozilla in its efforts to recruit volunteers.

First on the agenda is tabbed browsing. This is the term for the opening of further tabs in the same window when a link is activated. One of the things Mozilla wants to learn is how difficult the browser experience becomes when more than a handful of tabs are open and how the user deals with the situation. Also on the test-list is "Ubiquity". This is what the developers call the extension that enables users to run commands in different languages, including spoken language.

Participants are required to download the Firefox add-on from the Test Pilot webpage, where they will also receive information concerning upcoming and finished tests. Pilots will have the freedom to choose if they take part in a particular test, and will be asked to give their permission before any software is installed. It is also for them to decide if they wish to provide Mozilla with feedback when a test is completed.

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