New Arch-Based Linux Distribution Aims to be Beginner-Friendly

Nov 09, 2022

CachyOS has been created to serve as a Linux distribution for everyone, even while being based on the more complex Arch Linux.

CachyOS has one goal, to create a beginner-friendly Arch-based Linux operating system that can be used by anyone, regardless of how much experience they might have.

One might think Arch wouldn't be the best distribution to serve as a base for such an operating system, but the developers have opted to go that route. And with the help of KDE Plasma, which is installed by default, the distribution certainly shows promise that they'll achieve their goal.

Of course, if KDE Plasma isn't your jam, you can go with Cutefish, i3, GNOME, Openbox, Wayfire, LXQT, bspwm, Kofuku, or XFCE.

Like most Arch spinoffs, CachyOS has a GUI installer that is just as point-and-clicky as any user-friendly Linux distribution. Another thing you might find interesting about CachyOS is the developers include a custom version of Firefox, called Cachy Browser, which is focused on privacy, security, and freedom.

The one caveat to CachyOS is that it doesn't install much in the way of software. You'll find the standard KDE Plasma tools and not much else.

One thing to keep in mind is that CachyOS is new, so it doesn't quite achieve the goal of user-friendliness. In fact, given its current state, I wouldn't recommend the OS to anyone other than experienced users.

However, I have faith the developers will continue to simplify the Arch experience with this interesting take on the distribution. You can learn more and download CachyOS here

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