New Plasma Announce Winners of JavaScript Jam

Apr 14, 2010

At the beginning of March Plasma hacker Aaron Seigo challenged the community to a KDE miniprograms programming contest. The winners have now been determined.

The conditions for the Plasma JavaScript Jam Session 2010 contest were to use of a particular JavaScript version and that the plasmoid needed to be an original (no copy of an existing one).

Top 2010 JavaScript Jammer prize (a Nokia N900, all expenses to a KDE event and a KDE T-shirt) went to Ontje Lunsdorf with his special Aquarium miniprogram, where his fishes needed to be fed regularly. Easily readable code, a clear design and a great concept helped in earning him the Technical Giant distinction.

The Aquarium miniprogram came in with first prize.

First runner up was Nikita Melnichenko for his Make Progress! plasmoid that recorded progress for one or more projects. The Creative Genius prize went to the useful and easy-to-use miniprogram. Melnichenko will receive the T-shirt and KDE event invitation.

Second runner up was Manuel Unglaub for his Shortlog plasmoid, a simple notes solution for multiple text formats. The jury appreciated its nifty concept and well-structured yet simple interface. Unglaub earned himself a T-shirt.

Andrew Stromme's Guitar Tuner and Petri DamstÈn's Plasma Dice were just short of the T-shirt.

The entries are on the Plasma JavaScript Jam 2010 page of the KDE Forum. Downloads of all the miniprograms are in the corresponding archive.

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