Number Crunching with Pelican HPC 2.0
Pelican HPC, a Live distro for High Performance Computing (HPC), is now available in version 2.0 with updated software.
The Pelican HPC Live Linux consolidates multiple systems into a compute cluster. The new release uses Kernel 2.6.30. The Open MPI message-passing library is included and brings with it new bindings for the GNU Octave 3.2.x software, with updated code samples. Unfortunately, Open MPI is the only MPI implementation installed.
Pelican HPC 2.0 also provides the Ganglia monitoring system that is preconfigured for four nodes and easily expandable to large clusters.
The Pelican HPC project located at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona has the CD image ready for download for 32-bit and 64-bit Intel CPUs from the suggested torrents.
An in-depth article on Pelican HPC is free online at Linux Pro Magazine.