Ohio LinuxFest Extends Deadline for Presentations

Jun 29, 2010

If you've been putting off your project submission, you have another week.

The organizers at Ohio LinuxFest have extended the deadline for presentations to July 7, giving any last-minute procrastinators the opportunity to submit their project for consideration.

“We're looking for speakers who can address a wide range of topics related to Linux and open source. Talks suited for beginners or experts, or in-between are welcome. We're particularly interested in Administration, WordPress, GNOME, KDE, Ruby on Rails, Django, Linux distributions and more,” said Joe “Zonker” Brockmeir, organizer for Ohio LinuxFest.

This year's keynote speakers are Stormy Peters, executive director of the GNOME Foundation and Christopher “Monty” Montgomery, the creator of Ogg Vorbis. There is also a full list of medical track speakers, available at ohiolinux.org/medicaltrack.

Ohio LinuxFest runs September 10-12 in Columbus. To submit your proposal online, visit ohiolinux.org/cfp10.html.

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