OpenOffice 3.0: Three Million Downloads in the First Week

Oct 22, 2008

In an announcement on his blog, the UK's OpenOffice Marketing Manager, John McCreesh, states that in the first week of its release, 3.0 registered over 3 million downloads.

Yet the project only records downloads from the so-calledBouncer website. Fact is, OpenOffice is shared through many different resources: magazine DVDs for example, or the Bittorrent network and package-source distros. So the total number of downloads is actually a lot higher.

McCreesh also explains the ratio of downloads to the different platforms. In third place came the Linux community with 220.000 downloads. Mac users came second with 320.000 and top of the download charts were Windows users with a staggering 2,4 million. Solaris came far behind with ca.16.000 downloads and even less people, about 14.000, showed an interest in the actual source-code.

The high number of downloads may be astonishing, but for McCreesh this is only the beginning. The marketing strategy of the project plans to get OpenOffice to 40% of all users by 2010. And for this to work, they had better bolster their servers. The run on the new release of the latest version caused some of them to temporarily crash.

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  • Distributions

    Sure enough, few Debian users will visit, since Debian has OO.o in the repositories.
  • Portable version?

    1. Do they allow OO.o3 to be installed without Admin privileged in Wind0ze? Something what is /friendly/ to corporate ITs. Because I (and many others) hate to beg and lick a**es to have some piece of software installed. OO.o2 required Admin privileges.


    2. Do they provide official portable version? Version which doesn't require installation.
  • How many Windoze users don't try OOo?

    That is 7.4% for Linux, 10.8% for Mac, and 81.2% for Windoze.

    I think it is save to assume, that only about half of all Windoze users
    will try out OOo. But even then the Linux number is high!

  • One reason why Linux is not higher

    is that come bundled with the Linux Distros. For example I've just installed mandriva Linux 2009.0, and it has Open 3 as the default Office package.
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