Opera 9.62 Closes Security Holes

Oct 30, 2008

Norwegian provider Opera Software is releasing almost weekly security updates for its Opera browser. Version 9.62 is to address what the company deems two of its most critical security problems.

Opera Software found that its browser was subject to cross-site scripting attacks due to a bug in the links panel (see the advisory).

Another security breach designated as even more severe targeted the history search function. Passing certain parameters to the function could allow scripts executing arbitrary code to be injected into the search results page (see the advisory). Users are warned that if they opened public demonstrations of this issue, they could have altered certain Opera settings and that these settings need to be restored manually. Upgrading to 9.62 does not repair these settings.

The update to 9.62 is recommended for all Opera browser platforms (Linux, Windows and Mac OS X among them). Next to the security patches, the release also provides the Presto 2.1.1 rendering engine. Various download locations for the popular platforms are available.

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