Red Hat Developer Studio Beta Released

Aug 14, 2007

Red Hat Linux has just released a beta version of its Red Hat Developer Studio. The developer environment, which is based on Eclipse, is targeted at facilitating the development of new applications for Red Hat solutions, and migrating existing applications.

According to Red Hat, the integrated development environment (IDE) targets Jboss middleware and enterprise distribution, and has been released fully under Open Source licenses

Besides Red Hat's own core products, offers by Red Hat's strategic partner Exadel will also be offered to developers. The combination of in-house middleware with Exadel tools should help to facilitate the development of SOA components and Web 2.0 applications. The tools include Exadel Studio Pro, the RichFaces framework for development of Java Server Faces (JSF), and the Ajax4jsf Framework for integration of Ajax technologies with JSF applications. Red Hat Studio also gives developers a Java environment with WYSIWYG functionality.

Developer Studio is available for Linux and Windows and can be downloaded here. Red Hat will be publishing the final version, which should be available this summer, under GPLv2. Distribution will use subscription channels.

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