SWS: The Shell Script as Web Server
Developer Brett Wynkoop has written the code for a simple web server called Simple/Small/Shell Web Server (SWS) in the form of a shell script.
SWS is ideal to serve static content on the web; however, the open source program lacks a CGI-Interface. The script works with Bourne-compatible shells and requires the standard Unix programs dirname, cat, and date. According to Wynkoop, installation consists of putting the program somewhere, making it executable, creating the document directory, and creating an entry in inetd.conf. He has tested his small server in FreeBSD, Solaris, and Linux.
SWS 1.0 creates index pages for directory listings on the fly and includes a "404 Page" for the "File not found" error message. The server is available for download as a stand-alone script and as a tarball, and includes a man page on the SWS-powered project home page.
The SWS is published with a BSD-license.