Splashtop Insyde BIOS

Dec 18, 2008

Splashtop manufacturer DeviceVM and the Taiwanese Firmware and BIOS producer Insyde have entered into a joint developer partnership.

Splashtop manufacturer DeviceVM has announced a cooperation with the Taiwanese BIOS producer Insyde. The move has two main aims: development of a standardized interface which combines InsydeH2O, a popular UEFI BIOS (Unified Extensible Firmware Interface) and Splashtop, and so increase its appeal to OEMs. A quickboot option in UEFI BIOS could then have Splashtop ready shortly after hitting the PC on button. Joint marketing and distribution strategies have also been agreed.

Whereas UEFI BIOS is widely used on notebooks, netbooks, desktops and servers, the Linux-based Splashtop is increasingly finding its way into consumer products. The technology provides laptop users with quick access to browsers and chats.

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