Trolltech Makes KDE Developer its Vice President of Engineering
Lars Knoll is to become part of the Trolltech management team. As Vice President of Engineering, he will lead the developer teams in Norway, Germany and Australia.
In his position as the chief product developer Lars Knoll will coordinate product roadmaps and development with product managers. The 36-year-old has a PHD in physics and has worked as a Qt software developer for Trolltech for the last seven years. Prior to promotion Knoll was a leading member of several international projects for Web browsing or user interfaces for devices and applications on Linux.
The last changes in Trolltech’s management occurred last October with "Chief Troll" and co-founder of the company Eirik Chambe-Eng quitting for health reasons ( as Linux Magazine reported). The Norwegian company then appointed Chuck Piercy as its new chief product manager. The sole CEO at Trolltech following Chambe-Engs departure is the second co-founder Harvard Nord.
Lars Knoll was born in Freiburg, Germany. He programmed version 1.1.2 of Khtml, the KDE HTML library for the KDE project and has maintained it ever since. Trolltech, which was founded in 1994, and is based in Oslo has subsidiaries in California and China, and a development office in Australia. Trolltech opened development offices in Munich and Berlin, Germany in 2006.