Window Maker Live 0.96.0-0 Released
If you're a fan of the Window Maker window manager, there's a new official release of the Linux distribution that champions the old-school user interface.
Window Maker Live is alive and well and the new release, 0.96.0-0, is an updated build of the Debian-based operating system.
Based on Debian 12.2, the new Window Maker Live release includes kernel 6.4.4 and nearly the full range of GNUstep applications that are available via Debian Bookworm.
In this new release, the Window Maker root menu has been bolstered with a new layout that includes a comprehensive listing of released programs, which are accessible from the top-level GNUstep Apps entry.
As far as updated packages, the biggest update comes in the way of Window Maker, which – like the Window Maker Live release number – is 0.96.0-0. This latest release features hot corners, more configurable actions in WPrefs, libXRes as an optional dependency, and support for _NET_WM_FULLSCREEN_MONITORS.
You'll also find emacs 29.1, pcmanfm replaced with pcmanfm-qt, Greek added as a supported language, gtk2-nocsd removed, and basic printer support has been added via cups-pdf and system-config-printer.
In addition to the Claws Mail email client, you'll find GNUmail has become available and the default web browsers are Pale Moon and Surf.
You can download the latest version of Window Maker Live from Sourceforge. Read the changelog and the What's New documents to find out more.