XML Fodder for Java Objects with Commons Digester 2.0

Jan 07, 2009

The Apache Project announced the latest version of Commons Digester, which comes with less dependency and can validate XML code. Programmers use Digester to convert data from XML into Java objects.

According to the announcement, the minimum JDK requirement is now JDK 1.5. Also, the Digester project has removed its dependency on Arraystack, which means that some classes of "org.apache.commons.digester" have been changed from "Arraystack" to "java.util.Stack". Other important changes include Digester 2.0's XML validation via "javaxf.xml.validation.Schema" and the new support of commands for other XML or text documents through the W3 specification XInclude.

Digester processes XML input, creates via SAX parser interface (Simple API for XML), for example, Java object trees from XML configurations. Conversion rules are provided to the programmer either from their own Java code or from a XML configuration file, the "xmlrules". The Apache project describes the software as relatively complex, but also as flexible and powerful. A compressed TAR archive or zip file of Version 2.0 is available on the Apache project commons server for download.

Release notes specify the J2SE Developer Kit (JDK) version 1.5 as a minimum requirement, the equivalent of the official Java platform 5. Version 1.0.0 of the logging tool and the bean utils API wrapper 1.7.0 are also required. Both are, like the Digester, part of the commons department of the Apache project. The Apache Commons aim to make a wide range of programming components for Java available for use in as many projects as possible. As with all Apache software, Digester is protected by the Apache license.

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