Community News and Articles

Linux-Kongress: Linux Foundation Declares OS X a Luxury Jail


Sync-Tool for Linux and Blackberry in Beta Test


Openmoko Invitation to Codesprint


Linus Torvalds: His Own Blog


OpenSource World Conference & Expo Announced


Mono 2.0 is Ready: Compilers for C# 3.0 and Visual Basic 8


17 Years Now: Linus Torvalds Introduces Linux


Ubuntu 8.10 Seeking Beta Testers


Interview with Sun's Chief Open Source Officer Simon Phipps

About MySQL, Java, OpenJDK and more


Simon Phipps is responsible for about 750 Open Source projects at Sun Microsystems. Linux Magazine Online spoke with the British developer about topics such as Java and the newly acquired MySQL.

Why Community Shows Rule

A look at the Utah Open Source Conference


On August 21 this year, Royal Pingdom ran a report on Linux popularity around the world, based on Google searches. One of the interesting data points was that Utah had a higher than expected interest in open source. I had a chance to confirm that result a week later when attending the Utah Open Source Conference, held from August 28 through August 30 at the Salt Lake Community College, in Salt Lake City, Utah.