Hardware News and Articles

The challenge of the free phone

NEWS: Security Calling free

Crowd Supply's roadmap to success

NEWS: Obstacles to Open Hardware Development free

Free-licensed hardware

IN-DEPTH: Respecting Your Freedom with Refurbished Devices free

Fishing for Users

IN-DEPTH: Open Hardware – Turbot free

Input Club

NEWS: Open Keyboards with Style free

The sys admin's daily grind: SparkFun

SYSADMIN: Trouble in the Air free


Creating the Free-Licensed Semiconductor Market


As many would-be open hardware manufacturers have discovered, free-licensed computer chips are nearly non-existent. However, SiFive, a recently announced startup in San Francisco, is hoping to change that with its custom chip designs.

GNOME and KDE: Financials and culture

Off the Beat: Bruce Byfield's Blog


KDE and the Naming of Parts

Off the Beat: Bruce Byfield's Blog
