The commercial version of the Eudora mail client was retired in October 2006. Now, a beta version of the new revitalized Eudora has just been released.
A new website, restructuring of consumer business and various activities involving hardware, software and service partners have been announced by Mandriva boss Francois Bacilhon.
From the 17th to 23rd of June, about 400 Debian developers from all over the world met in Edinburgh, Scotland, to listen to talks, attend workshops, hack some free software, and have a good time.
Three new branches in Opensuse's build service provide various OpenOffice packages: stable, unstable and extras. This replaces the previous OpenOffice build service.
Red Hat Linux has just released a beta version of its Red Hat Developer Studio. The developer environment, which is based on Eclipse, is targeted at facilitating the development of new applications for Red Hat solutions, and migrating existing applications.