Manim lets you program video sequences with a few lines of Python code to present mathematical problems in an engaging and scientifically accurate way.
Complex decisions require the evaluation of multiple criteria. This article shows how to support such decisions with Linux, Python, and the TOPSIS Multi-Criteria Decision Model.
Can 10 heads in a row really occur in a coin toss? Or, can the lucky numbers in the lottery be 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6? We investigate the law of large numbers.
At a party with 23 guests, having two guests with the same birthday in more than 50 percent of cases may sound fairly unlikely to amateur mathematicians. Armed with statistical methods, party animal Mike Schilli sets out to prove this claim.
Markov chains model systems that jump from state to state with predetermined probabilities, but can they help write new columns like this one after learning from previously written articles?