open hardware News and Articles

A countdown counter with the MAX7221 and a seven-segment display

NEWS: 3, 2, 1 … Go! free

Retro games on the Raspberry Pi

NEWS: Gamer’s Paradise free

Raspberry Pi aids conservation work

NEWS: Fox Hunt free

Build an FM radio using an RTL-SDR dongle

NEWS: Pi FM Radio free

From Prototype to Product

The Trials and Tribulations of an Open Hardware Startup


The Keyboardio project had a prototype and consumer interest, but finding a small-run manufacturer was more difficult.


Creating the Free-Licensed Semiconductor Market


As many would-be open hardware manufacturers have discovered, free-licensed computer chips are nearly non-existent. However, SiFive, a recently announced startup in San Francisco, is hoping to change that with its custom chip designs.

A Free Laptop Project

EOMA68 Laptop


A campaign to redefine free software and hardware

Pi-Top: The Missing Manual

Pop the Top


Follow along as we assemble, customize, and accessorize a Pi-Top kit – the do-it-yourself laptop for the Raspberry Pi.

Crowd Supply Boosts Open Hardware

Crowd Supply


A small crowdfunding site is helping to boost the growth of open hardware businesses.

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