
What’s Taking Wayland So Long?

Waiting for Wayland

Oct 17, 2017

What do we do now? 
Yes, but while waiting. 
What about hanging ourselves? 

– Samuel Beckett, Waiting for Godot


Well Packed

Android in an LXC container

Oct 06, 2017

Need Android apps in a separate window on the Linux desktop? Anbox is the answer. Unlike common Android emulators, the software relies on LXC containers and kernel namespaces. We tested the pre-alpha version.

Little Friend

Exploring the extra tiny KolibriOS

Oct 06, 2017

KolibriOS, written in assembler, is especially suited to very old hardware – it even fits on a floppy disk.

Ranger: Lightning Fast File Management

Sep 07, 2017

Stop fiddling around with the mouse or trackpad – do your file management in the terminal, with vi-like key bindings.

No Way!

Secure communication on the Internet with Whonix

Sep 07, 2017

The curiosity of various players on the Internet is making anonymity increasingly important. The Debian derivative Whonix offers an easy-to-install, comprehensive solution with a complete virtual work environment to protect your privacy.

Tutorials – CherryTree

Organize Your Life with CherryTree

Aug 02, 2017

Work smarter and faster using this hierarchical note-taking app that's packed with power user features.

The Frugal Penguin

Tools for optimizing Linux power management

Aug 02, 2017

Linux offers several tools that help users analyze the power consumption of hardware components.

Data Diviner

Set up a multipurpose home server

Aug 02, 2017

Install a home server to make your data omnipresent.

Doubtful Candidate

Qt5-based image viewer PhotoQt

Aug 02, 2017

The lean PhotoQt tries to join the ranks of modern image viewers, but it's still not very stable.

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