
Ubuntu derivative BackBox Linux for security analysis


Jan 31, 2018

Specializing in security and forensics, BackBox Linux is not only good for a vulnerability assessment, but thanks to its lean substructure, it is also suitable as a desktop distribution.


Color Coordinated with DisplayCAL

Jan 31, 2018

If you work with digital images, you know the colors on your monitor don't always match what you see in real life. If you're looking for a more accurate representation of color, try calibrating and profiling your monitor using a colorimeter and DisplayCAL.

With Simple Means

Self-hosting solution YunoHost for the private cloud

Jan 31, 2018

YunoHost offers a wide range of services on a proven Debian platform that you can host yourself.

Meticulous Transformer

How compilers work

Jan 09, 2018

Compilers translate source code into executable programs and libraries. Inside modern compiler suites, a multistage process analyzes the source code, points out errors, generates intermediate code and tables, rearranges a large amount of data, and adapts the code to the target processor.

Putting LibreOffice in the Cloud

Collabora Online

Feb 19, 2018

The Collabora Online developers rethink LibreOffice's long-time interface.

New Hat

What's new in Fedora 27

Jan 31, 2018

Fedora Linux is a favorite of developers, sys admins, and other tech-savvy users. The new release sports a new Gnome and other useful enhancements.

First Aide


Jan 31, 2018

If you accidentally delete data or format a disk, good advice can be expensive. Or maybe not: You can undo many data losses with SystemRescueCd.

Fox Hunt

Raspberry Pi aids conservation work

Jan 09, 2018

As a countermeasure to predators of rare ground-breeding birds, live traps are monitored by a microcontroller and a Raspberry Pi.

Building Frames

Building Frames

Jan 31, 2018

FFmpeg is good not only for converting and fusing videos together, it can also generate streams on the fly, which you can then use for compositing and effects.

How to Sell Open Source

Nov 30, 2017

Marketing FOSS requires some novel approaches compared with proprietary software. We share our experiences.

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