Customize your mail environment with the light and powerful Claws Mail


Claws Mail offers other useful features, such as the powerful QuickSearch tool, which allows searching through folders and sub-folders based on any criteria. QuickSearch can search in standard headers, but it also has an Extended mode, which enlists the full power of the filtering engine.

Setup Wizard for Sys Admins

System administrators can create a wizard configuration template with the correct values entered in the setup wizard, so users only need to enter their passwords. Using the configuration template, the system administrator can define the server addresses, add LDAP servers or people to the address book, add filtering rules, and load plugins.

To set up a configuration template:

  1. Start Claws Mail with a user who does not have a ~/.claws-mail directory, click through the wizard without entering any settings, and then use the Save button to exit the wizard.
  2. Quit Claws Mail.
  3. Edit the newly created wizard template file ~/.claws-mail/accountrc.tmpl and save it. The template file is fully commented with instructions and details about each entry.
  4. Delete both ~/.claws-mail/accountrc and ~/.claws-mail/folderlist.xml, then recursively copy the .claws-mail directory to /etc/skel/. If Claws Mail will use MH folders, then also copy the Mail directory to /etc/skel/. Then chown both these directories in /etc/skel/ to root:root.


Claws also supports user-defined hotkeys and provides good mailing list support. Several operations are available from the command line that allow interaction with external applications, such as web browsers or file managers. More than 20 plugins support features such as RSS reading, PDF display, and personal and public calendaring.

If you like a lot of control over your email, and you're looking for a powerful application that is light on resources, give Claws Mail a try.

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