Write Access
Write Access

Live Distro Sampler
Have you gotten complaints about installing Ubuntu 7.10 from the Distro Sampler? After installing, I was unable to gain access using the name and password I had provided during the installation. I was able to get into the OS using username: "ubuntu" and password: "ubuntu," but I was prevented from doing anything as root because everything (such as installing available updates) required an administrative password. I couldn't use the name and password I had created to log into Ubuntu, much less log in as root. I tried sudo in the terminal but could not satisfy the password query. I tried two installs: one on the entire master drive, and one on the entire slave drive. I used different names and passwords, and although grub dual-booted both installs, the password problem was the same.
I am by no means an expert, but I have installed Ubuntu 7.04 previously without a hitch.
Jerry Roe
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