The sys admin's daily grind: Miniflux

Sys admin Charly Kühnast typically follows 40 to 50 RSS feeds using Tiny Tiny RSS on his own server. Now, the good times spent with the faithful Tiny are coming to an end. Read on to discover the whole story.
I read about the demise of RSS about twice a week, or at least it feels that way; I cannot actually confirm that for my part. However, 200 to 300 new entries reach me every day in Tiny Tiny RSS. Of course, I mostly just skim over the headlines; I don't check the website of my online daily newspaper for the content that I want to read, I only subscribe to the feeds that are interesting to me.
From time to time, I try out alternatives to my loyal Tiny purely out of curiosity. This is how Miniflux recently landed on my server. The small Flux tool has been on my "must try" list since my esteemed colleague Dmitri Popov blogged about it last year [1]. My hesitation bothers me a bit because this RSS reader is really good.
Even the installation takes less than two minutes: Download the ZIP file [2]; unzip on the server, and customize the write privileges – all done, and ready to log in. The tool does not require any Apache or SQL wizardry. SQLite is the back end, which I do not have to touch outside of the installation.
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