Innovative desktop environment

theShell OS

In addition to the independently deployable desktop environment, the developers also provide an Arch Linux-based operating system, theShell OS [4], which features theShell desktop as the primary user interface.

Because theShell OS does away with other desktops, you finally have the opportunity to try all of theShell's built-in applications, including tools such as a terminal, a file manager, and custom graphical front ends for system updates and package management. Another terminal application, similar to Yakuake on KDE Plasma, can be shown and hidden as a drop-down terminal at the press of a button.

By default, the current version of theShell OS unlocks the usual Arch Linux repositories so that you can use the operating system like a traditional Arch Linux.


While many Linux desktops look and function more like the other operating system's work environments, theShell goes its own way. With a new operating paradigm and the Gateway as the central program launcher, the desktop environment differs from most known Linux desktops, while still supporting intuitive use.

In addition, the user interface has a certain visual appeal. Another positive aspect is the low resource requirements and the very agile work method despite offering visual effects. The main criticism is that the integration of elements from third-party desktop environments is not yet seamless, which sometimes leads to a window design that differs from theShell's native look.

However, the project already shows what an easy-to-use desktop could look like beyond other operating systems' outdated conventions. For users who like to experiment, theShell is an interesting alternative.

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