Request Spotify dossiers and evaluate them with Go and R

Playback Length Statistics

Listing 3 needs to limit the maximum recorded play length of all the songs it analyzes to five minutes, because my streaming history also included 90-minute audio plays, which distorted the statistics beyond recognition. Filtering is handled by the recoding statement in line 4, which uses the condition jdata$msPlayed < 300000 to filter out all tracks over 300 seconds playing time from the jdata dataframe before again assigning the result to the jdata variable.

Recoding statements take place at both the row and the column level. The square brackets in line 4 contain the conditions, separated by a comma. The filter applies the first condition to each row, and the second to each column. The result is a dataframe, which can have both fewer rows and fewer columns. In this case, however, we only need to remove the rows, not columns, which is why the second part of the condition in square brackets after the comma remains empty. Yes, you need eagle eyes to read and understand R code correctly!

The very compact listing then creates a histogram for the msPlayed entries in the jdata dataframe and prepares the counter values for playback durations in a bar graph. This is done by the built-in R function hist() in line 7, after line 5 has set the jdata dataframe as a reference point and line 6 has set any PNG output files produced in the future to hist.png. This ensures that R creates a PNG file of this name with the bar chart at the end of the script.

Hot Group

Would the data in the streaming history also allow conclusions to be drawn about preferences for a certain type of music, depending on the time of day? Listing 4 takes a stab at this and reads the JSON data, extracts the hour of the playback end time as a numeric value from the endTime date stamp of each streaming event, and then determines which artist was played most often within that time window averaged over all streaming days.

Listing 4


01 #!/usr/bin/env Rscript
02 library("jsonlite")
03 jdata <- fromJSON("MyData/StreamingHistory0.json", simplifyDataFrame = TRUE)
04 # only enjoyed songs
05 jdata <- jdata[jdata$msPlayed > 60000, ]
06 d <- as.POSIXct(jdata$endTime, tz = "UTC")
07 jdata$hour <- as.numeric(format(d, tz="America/Los_Angeles", "%H"))
08 songs <- subset(jdata, , select=c(hour, artistName))
09 agg <- aggregate(songs$hour, by=list(artistName=songs$artistName, hour=songs$hour), FUN=length)
10 winners <- agg[order(agg$hour, -agg$x),]
11 winners <- winners[!duplicated(winners[2]),]
12 winners

Figure 4 shows the original JSON data in the dataframe with all fields as found in the JSON file. Line 5 in Listing 4 discards all songs that have not been played back for at least one minute, to avoid introducing false positives into the statistics. Now the task is to extract the hour of the day from the Spotify timestamp; this is done after adjusting the time zone. Spotify denotes the times as UTC (i.e., GMT), but I listen to the music in the Pacific Time (PT) zone on the US West Coast. This explains why the as.POSIXct() function reads the value as UTC from the JSON data, and the format formatter in line 7 converts it to the America/Los_Angeles zone. After doing this, the local time hour value determined with %H is available as a string. However, to sort the entries later on, R needs numeric values, which is why as.numeric() converts it to a number.

Figure 4: The original dataframe from the JSON data.

Now the dataframe is available in the jdata variable, as you can see in Figure 5. Line 8 in Listing 4 then uses subset() to convert the data into a dataframe with just two columns: the artist and the playback hour. R's built-in aggregate() function then aggregates all lines for an artist with the same hourly value in line 9. FUN=length specifies that the additional aggregation column contains the length (i.e., the number of artist-hour tuples).

Figure 5: Filtered dataframe with hours column.

Figure 6 shows an excerpt from this intermediate result. Based on this, ZZ Top was played exactly once at 19.00 hours, while no fewer than 11 entries with Linkin Park pop up at 20.00 hours. There are several different ways to filter out only the top performers from this view (e.g., Linkin Park at 20.00 hours). One method that relies entirely on R's standard functions is as follows: Sort the dataframe by hour (ascending) and the number of events (descending). Using deduplication, the algorithm then only keeps the first entry per each hour value and discards the rest. The top performers for each hour value remain.

Figure 6: Aggregated counters per hour.

Line 10 sorts the previously generated agg dataframe, according to the order() function specified in the square brackets. Its first parameter is the (positive) field name for the hour value; the second is the (negative) value for the counter determined by the length function. In R, the newly created column by the aggregation function goes by the name of x and contains the number of results in this case.

Line 11 runs a recode statement over the dataframe now named winners and uses !duplicated(winners[2]) to specify that the second field (i.e., the hour value; R arrays always start with an index of 1, not 0) must be present once only in the result. Consequently, the function will only keep the previously forward sorted highest result for hour values with the associated artist and will discard all others.

That takes care of the list with the most popular bands, as a function of the time of day at Perlmeister Studios! Figure 7 shows the output of the hourly.r R program (Listing 4). After midnight, it's either embarrassing oldies from the 1980s (Rainbow) or, as I vaguely recall, once from 1:00am to 4:00am, every single track by the band Sparks, after devouring a Netflix documentary featuring the band and proceeding to play back their songs for four hours. The next day at work was terrible, of course, but you only live once.

Figure 7: Which artists are played back most frequently at what time?

From experience, users can spend days tinkering with R to find the right data structure and methods that will often implement exactly what they want in just three lines. The reasons for this probably include the age of the language, which comes with a sort of anti-Python mindset ("Waddya mean, there's only one way to do this?"), and the many packages that have been released in an uncoordinated fashion over the decades since the original release. A Google search for a particular problem will often reveal three or four different approaches to solve the same issue. The training book by Robert I. Kabacoff [1] does a good job of explaining some basic procedures, but it is by no means an extensive reference.

More Secrets

If you rummage further in the Spotify dossier's ZIP file, you are likely to unearth a few more data treasures. For example, Spotify's Inferences.json file contains ascertained facts about the user – presumably to help Spotify serve up appropriate ads that the listener will also respond to.

In my case, Spotify assumed I had a preference for "Light Beer" (Figure 8), which is a joke and totally wrong – as anyone who knows me can attest to if it came to a pinch! This is a likely explanation if Bud Light ads start popping up on my screen.

Figure 8: Spotify – incorrectly – considers the author to be a light-beer drinker.


  1. Kabacoff, Robert I. R in Action, Second Edition. Manning, May 2015:

The Author

Mike Schilli works as a software engineer in the San Francisco Bay Area, California. Each month in his column, which has been running since 1997, he researches practical applications of various programming languages. If you email him at he will gladly answer any questions.

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