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SystemRescue 10.0 and Linux Lite 6.4
SystemRescue 10.0 (64-bit)
Like KNOPPIX, SystemRescue is a recovery tool. Unlike KNOPPIX, SystemRescue can be installed on a drive for everyday use. However, doing that can make its tools unavailable at precisely the time you need them most. Consequently, SystemRescue is most safely run from a Live device.
SystemRescue's kernel supports standard filesystems such as ext4 and XFS, but also older filesystems such as VFAT and NTFS, newer ones such as Btrfs, and network ones such as Samba and NFS. SystemRecue's tools include GParted for disk partitioning and FSArchiver for saving a filesystem's contents to a compressed file, as well as more mundane tools such as Midnight Commander for file management and a selection of text editors. Just as importantly, SystemRescue's documentation can be a useful resource during troubleshooting – even more useful if you read it beforehand.
Keep a current copy of both SystemRescue and KNOPPIX; between the two you will have all the resources you need in emergencies.
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