On the DVD
On the DVD
Article from Issue 277/2023
MX Linux MX-23_x64 and Kali Linux 2023.3
MX Linux MX-23_x64
Project developers refer to MX Linux as "…a family of operating systems that are designed to combine elegant and efficient desktops with high stability and solid performance." The MX project began as a collaboration between the former MEPIS community (M) and the antiX Linux developers (X). MX Linux is best known for its smart collection of admin tools, some developed internally by MX and some inherited from the antiX community. Examples of the MX tools include:
- MX Tweak – a curated collection of settings for customizing the desktop environment
- MX Boot Options – a graphical utility that lets you configure the GRUB boot menu
- MX Cleanup – An easy-to-use tool with several options for purging old files and freeing disk space
- Bash Config – a handy GUI for managing aliases, prompts, and other Bash settings
The MX Linux version included on this DVD is the flagship Xfce edition.
Kali Linux 2023.3
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