17 New Calendars for Sunbird/Lightning 0.7
The Mozilla Foundation has released version 0.7 of its Sunbird calendaring program. Now calendars are available with public holidays for 17 countries. In addition to this, the developers have remove various bugs and improved usability.
The Sunbird offshoot, Lightning, which is available as a plugin for and adds calendaring functionality to the free Thunderbird mailer, also includes new features such as the ability for users to toggle between mail and calendar components at the click of a button. In addition to this, the Thunderbird calendar now supports a multi-week view.
Changes have also been made to groupware functionality, an important aspect for business users: participants in meetings can be selected from an LDAP directory, free/busy information is available for Sun’s Java Calendar Server, events and tasks can be assigned to different timezones by users.
The latest version of Sunbird is available from the project website for various languages and for the Linux, Windows and Mac operating systems are available. Calendar data include public holidays for countries such as Kenia, Singapore, Brazil and Hong Kong.
The Thunderbird plugin, Lightning, is available from Mozilla Addons.