Check_mk 1.0.38 for Web Admin, Backup and Simulation

Oct 12, 2009

Mathias Kettner has released his check_mk Nagios plugin in version 1.0.38. New features include a Web-based admin tool, a backup function and a simulation mode.

The check_mk plugin for large Nagios installations adds a small Web app component in the new release. It brings the Multiadmin tool to the Web that enables and disables checks and notifications, acknowledges service problems and schedules downtimes.

Also new is the backup and restore mechanism. The

check_mk --backup

command secures local configuration and runtime data, independent of path or file ownership, to the


directory in a tarball. The


option deletes files not contained in the backup.

The third new feature is a simulation mode whereby target hosts are never contacted during the test run, allowing for drun runs of check_mk installations. It is enabled by setting




in the file.

Kettner also fixed some bugs and modified a few more details for check_mk. Information along with GPL source code, Debian and RPM packages are on his check_mk project page.

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