Kali Linux 2022.3 Released
From the creators of the most popular penetration testing distributions on the planet, comes a new release with some new tools and a community, real-time chat option.
Kali Linux has been one of the most widely-used penetration testing Linux distributions on the market. With a vast number of pre-installed tools available, security experts and pen testers can use the platform to uncover just about any vulnerability or weakness on your network.
The 2022.3 release, has a few new tricks up its sleeve, including a new VirtualBox image format, weekly images, and build scripts (so you can roll your own); new NetHunter updates; and five new tools, which are BruteShark (a network analysis tool), DefectDojo (an open-source application vulnerability correlation and security orchestration tool), phpsploit (a post-exploitation framework), shellfire (a tool for exploiting LFI/RFI and command injection vulnerabilities), and SprayingToolkit (a tool for testing password spraying attacks).
Another addition to KaliLinux is their new Discord server (Kali Linux & Friends), where the community can chat in real-time about Kali Linux. According to the Kali Linux blog, the Discord server is “a community server, all with common interests. We do not have the goal to get as many users as possible, instead, we are growing a place for each other to help one another. We are focusing on quality not quantity.”
Finally, there’s also a new Test Lab Environment, where you can create a test bed to learn, practice, and benchmark. To make it easier to build a test lab, the developers have packaged DVWA (to practice with some of the most common web vulnerabilities) and Juice Shop (which encompasses vulnerabilities from the entire OWASP Top Ten).
Download a copy of Kali Linux 2022.3 and read the official release notes to find out more.