LinuxPark at Cebit 2008: Trends for Corporate and Home Users
Details of the LinuxPark lecture program at Cebit 2008 (March 4 through 9, 2008) are now available. Corporate users can look forward to topics such as Green IT and Software as a Service (SaaS) and home users to talks on Web 2.0 and multimedia applications.
The LinuxPark Forum is scheduling its program of talks to meet the needs of two target groups: the first four days are for corporate users with talks on Green IT, server and system administration, SaaS and security. Visitors will learn how to save power with Linux, and clean up their server rooms using virtualization technologies, and remove the need to purchase programs thanks to Software as a Service (SaaS).
The weekend topics at next year’s shorter Cebit is dedicated to home users with topics such as the right choice of Open Source tools for Web 2.0, and maximizing your machine’s multimedia performance on Linux.
This is the sixth time that Deutsche Messe Hanover has hosted LinuxPark Forum in cooperation with Linux New Media. Information for participants and visitors will be appearing shortly in the Event Calendar section of the Linux Magazine website