Linuxpark to become Cebit Open Source 2009
The Linux park organizers are working on a new concept for the year 2009. This will see the full integration of the successful special event with CeBIT topics. The new name, Cebit Open Source, speaks volumes.
This year’s CeBIT saw the eighth Linuxpark, a long-standing tradition in such a fast-moving industry. Linuxpark has long ceased being the niche event it started life as at its first appearance at the fair: so much so that the fair is moving in the direction of Open Source.
Starting at CeBIT 2009, Open Source main track at CeBIT with a far bigger stage. In cooperation with Linux New Media AG and leading industrial associations, the CeBIT organizers are working on a new concept which will present Open Source in a more complete and exciting way.
"The rapid development of the topic in the past few years has made it quite clear how important it is to take Open Source into consideration in overall CeBIT planning. Open Source and Linux technologies already have a major influence on developments in the IT world. Open Source is a permanent feature of the IT landscape and CeBIT wouldn’t be complete without it." said Rosemarie Schuster, from the Linux New Media executive board.