Tellu 3.0.0: Inventory Management and Scripting
Inventory management software Tellu has been completely reworked and is now available in version 3.0.0.
Tellu's software architecture is split into four parts: agents in versions for Linux/UNIX, Mac OS X and Windows; a server in three different programs; the Tellu Skin user interface; and the Telmon monitoring client for X11.
MySQL and OpenLDAP serve as central data storage. As of version 3, the Tellu Expression Language (TEL) provides a simple scripting language to automate database operations.
The agents on the inspected machines collect lots of data such as operating system releases, hardware information, memory usage, network configuration, installed software and running processes. Multiple machines can be grouped in so-called factions, such as resources required for a certain project. Database entries can also include attachments, for example, driver programs or user guides.
Tellu 3.0.0 is ready for download as separate components from the BerliOS project page. The Windows agent is precompiled while others are in source code archives. Tellu is under the original BSD license.