Untangle 6.1: Open Source Gateway with Cost-Based Extensions
San Mateo CA company Untangle has released version 6.1 of its Untangle Gateway Linux distro. Its base package is open source, but its extension applications are commercially priced.
The open source basis of Untangle's current release is rooted in Debian Lenny. The Gateway combines a firewall, router, filters for web content, viruses and spams, and a VPN in one server. Untangle Gateway can be run as a router, transparent bridge or so-called Re-Router virtualized on a Windows desktop.
The fundamental gateway functions of the open source edition are GPL-licensed, for example, the spam blocker with Spamassassin and VPN with OpenVPN. Untangle sells subsequent application extensions such as Spam Booster from Commtouch and Virus Blocker from Kaspersky. The Professional Package commercial add-on includes technical support and Active Directory integration. The Education Package is specially adapted to support the Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA).
Untangle's Open Source Package is under GPLv2 licensing and available for free download as ISO image. The company provides a community webpage for interested developers.