World Wide Web Foundation Launches Web Index
The World Wide Web Foundation has launched the Web Index – a new global study that “measures the impact of the Web on the world’s people and nations.”
According to the foundation’s website, the Web Index is the world’s first multi-dimensional measure of the web’s growth, utility, and impact on people and nations. The index covers 61 developed and developing countries, incorporating indicators that assess the political, economic, and social impact of the web, as well as indicators of web connectivity and infrastructure.
Web inventor and Web Foundation founder Sir Tim Berners-Lee hosted an event in London to mark the launch of the index. “The Web Index was created to measure the state of the Web in the world. Each country will see not only where they rank compared to others, but also what the World Wide Web Foundation thinks they need to do to improve,” Berners-Lee said.
The highest ranking country in the Web Index is Sweden, with the United States ranking second, and the United Kingdom third. Yemen is the lowest ranking country in the index, just below Zimbabwe. The Web Index is published at:, and you can read a complete report of the findings here.