XSS Error in Bugzilla Removed
The developers of the free Bugzilla bug management system have fixed several bugs including a vulnerability that enabled cross site scripting attacks.
In the current security advisory for the Bugzilla bug management system the developers report that three vulnerabilities have been closed. One bug let attackers trick users into visiting a rogque website if the user viewed bugs in the "Format for Printing", or extended view. For more information on the cross site scripting vulnerability read security report 425665.
An error in the XML-RPC interface gave arbitrary users the ability to create new bug reports with "NEW" or "ASSIGNED" status. Normally users require "canconfirm" privileges for this. The developers classified the third bug as less critical. It gave users the ability to use fake names. A lack of authentication in the "email_in.pl" module gave users the ability to manipulate the FROM header.
The bugs affected Bugzilla prior to version 3.0.4, 3.1.4, 2.22.4 and 2.20.6. Patches and how-tos on fixing the bugs are available on bugzilla.org/download. You can also download a full release from the same site.