monitoring News and Articles

Monitor your old Linux devices

NEWS: Watching Grampa free

System Monitoring with Glances

IN-DEPTH: Watchdog free

The Eye of Sauron

FEATURES: Monitor Your Network with Zabbix free

Real-time performance monitoring with Netdata

NEWS: Multimeter free

Convenient system clean-up with Stacer

IN-DEPTH: Janitorial Services free

Monitor Raspberry Pi with RPi-Monitor

Productivity Sauce


Monitoring activities and system processes

NEWS: Tracers

Tune Your Hard Disk with hdparm

Disk Inspector: Retrieving and setting hard drive parameters with hdparm


Hdparm is the tool to use when it comes to tuning your hard disk or DVD drive, but it can also measure read speed, deliver valuable information about the device, change important drive settings, and even erase SSDs securely.

The sys admin’s daily grind – GIF animations

SYSADMIN: Trees and Clouds

Saving Energy with PowerTOP2.0


The PowerTOP tool developed by Intel helps you save power. In version 2.0, it can also handle GPUs and offers advanced tracking features.