Ken Smith from the FreeBSD Release Engineering Team has announced the released version 7.3 for download. The new FreeBSD comes with updated ZFS and a re-worked bootloader.
Debian developer Alexander Reichle-Schmehl presented Debian GNU/kFreeBSD at the Open Source Forum at CeBIT. The FreeBSD port should become an official part of the upcoming Debian version 6.0 free distro.
Glsof-Queries is a GUI for the lsof (list open files) UNIX command with many query options. After a complete rework the open source tool is now available in version 1.0.0.
The FreeNAS project had discussed whether the free storage systems should use BSD or Linux in the future. The result is that both variants will now be available.
Dropbox is without doubt an extremely useful service, but it has two major drawbacks: it uses proprietary software and -- as with any cloud-based service -- you leave your data at the mercy of a third party.