upribox 2.0

Dangers lurk everywhere on the Internet. The technologies used by advertisers, criminals, and public authorities, not only to harass users but to spy on them, are becoming increasingly sophisticated. Protective mechanisms and countermeasures that make life difficult for data collectors and other curious users become all the more important.

Most users, though, do not have sufficient knowledge of the many dangers that lurk on the Internet and therefore take only partially effective countermeasures. Moreover, new technologies are increasingly complicating the configuration of web browsers, routers, and firewalls. In addition to in-depth knowledge, then, you also need a huge amount of time to secure an IT infrastructure.

Austrian security specialist Markus Donko-Huber already addressed this problem in 2014 at St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences and developed upribox (usable privacy box) with a small team. Upribox is a Raspberry Pi with a specially adapted version of Raspbian. The purpose of upribox is to ensure privacy and increased security when using the Internet, without requiring a great deal of configuration effort from the user.


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