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NVIDIA Released Driver for Upcoming NVIDIA 560 GPU for Linux


OSJH and LPI Release 2024 Open Source Pros Job Survey Results


DebConf24 to be Held in South Korea


Explore the possibilities of Ethereum's smart contract feature

IN-DEPTH: Get Smart free

Preventing computer eye strain

LINUX VOICE: Sight Saver free

Reconsidering TweetDeck

An Alternative Twitter Interface


Once a problem child on Linux, the Twitter client TweetDeck now installs easily, offering unrivaled features. However, potential changes in the updated beta version raise potential concerns for its future as an alternative Linux-based Twitter interface.

­Basic Hacks for Kobo E-Readers

E-reader Liberation


With a little hacking, you can free your Kobo e-reader from its proprietary chains. You may even transform your e-reader into a more general-purpose device.

Using a static website generator

LINUX VOICE: Static, Practical, Great free

An interview with IRCNow's Aaron Lin

IN-DEPTH: The Users' Network free

Dress for Success

LINUX VOICE: Doghouse – Dress Code free

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