4MLinux 42.0 Now Ready for Prime Time

4MLinux is a distribution aimed at systems with fewer resources that can run on machines with as little as 128 MB of RAM, turning them into viable workstations or servers. 4MLinux also can be used as a rescue disc to recover data from a malfunctioning system.

The latest stable version is 42.0 and includes software such as LibreOffice 7.5.2, AbiWord 3.0.5, GIMP 2.10.34, Firefox 111.0, Chromium 106.0.5249, Thunderbird 102.8.0, Audacious 4.3, VLC 3.0.18, Mesa 22.2.3, Wine 8.3, AlsaPlayer, Baka MPlayer, Gnome MPlayer, Gnome MPV, mp3blaster, and XMS.

You'll also find updated toolchains, including PHP (versions 5.6.40, 7.4.33, and 8.1.17), Perl 5.36.0, Python (versions 2.7.18 and 3.10.8), and Ruby 3.1.3. On the server side, you'll find Apache 2.4.56 and MariaDB 10.6.12. The kernel shipped with 4MLinux 42.0 is version 6.1.10. You can view the entire package list included with 4MLinux (

4MLinux isn't just ideal for reviving old hardware, because it also includes support for UEFI-enabled machines. With this distribution, you can create a desktop multimedia player, a productivity machine, and a mini server.

Download an ISO of 4MLinux ( now and bring new life to old hardware or use a new machine to create a lightning-fast desktop.

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