On the DVD

On the DVD

Article from Issue 167/2014

This months double-sided DVD features deepin 2014, an elegant and intuitive system built on Ubuntu 14.04, and Ubuntu 14.04.01. 

Two Terrific Distros

Double-Sided DVD!

Deepin 2014

Deepin is a fairly new entry in the Linux desktop panoply. Rising out of the East, Deepin is an elegant and intuitive system built on Ubuntu 14.04. The Chinese developers put a lot of effort into ease-of-use problems and came up with a desktop that blends the best of Gnome 3, OS X, and Windows 8. The 64-bit version on this DVD boots up in Live mode, so try it out, and read the article on Deepin in this magazine.

Ubuntu 14.04.01

Sharing this month's DVD is a 64-bit version of Ubuntu 14.04 "Trusty Tahr," a long-term support (LTS) release. Ubuntu is optimized for multitouch devices, features smarter searching, and presents the Unity desktop on startup in Live mode. Secure, stable, and intuitive, Ubuntu 14.04 is a worthy replacement for end-of-life Windows operating systems.


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