Pastebin services are usually one-trick ponies: they allow you to publish and share code snippets, and that's about it. But Commie brings something new to the table: this pastebin service allows you to add inline comments to a code snippet after it has been published.
Enter doitlive, a tool that makes it possible to create a script containing a list of commands, and then run them in a fake terminal session by typing random text. This creates a perfect illusion of a real command-line activity.
Previously, I wrote about a simple PHP script for uploading and hosting images, but if it's too limited for your needs, you might want to take a look at the Fotoo hosting app.
Make your blog look good on both desktop monitors and modern smartphones with high-resolution graphics by adding CSS and media queries to change the layout on the fly.
The most fundamental tool needed to administer a cluster is a parallel shell, which allows you to run the same command on a series of nodes. In this article, we look at pdsh.
To tackle mathematical problems with conditional probabilities, math buffs rely on Bayes' formula or discrete distributions, generated by short Perl scripts.