The Neo4j graph database is much better suited than relational databases for storing and quickly querying nodes and their mutual relationships. If your circle of friends is not wide enough to warrant a graph-based application, you might just want to inventory your LAN.
Developers working with graphical programming languages point and click to build software from prefabricated modules. We look at five free visual programming development environments.
You can always browse the Bash history using your arrow keys, but Bash's search capabilities are very limited. Enter the clever Bash History Suggest Box.
Using a simple Bash script and a cron job, you can turn Photocrumbs into an automated photo sharing bot. This way, you can drop multiple photos into a separate directory, and the script/cron job combo will publish them one-by-one at specified intervals (e.g., hourly, daily, etc.).
The Elasticsearch full-text search engine quickly finds expressions even in huge text collections. With a few tricks, you can even locate photos that have been shot in the vicinity of a reference image.