Adding scripts and tools to SystemRescue


Despite SystemRescue's usefulness for fixing broken systems and performing maintenance tasks, you may need to add tools. SystemRescue's creator has ensured you can add as many programs to your rescue environment as needed. This flexibility makes it easy to configure SystemRescue to start services upon boot and perform complex tasks. You can even use SystemRescue to perform server provisioning in simple environments.

SystemRescue advertises the ability to download YAML configuration files at boot time and load their configuration dynamically. I found during my tests that this feature does not work as advertised, because SystemRescue attempts to fetch the YAML configuration file from the web before the network interfaces are configured.

Figure 3: For safe storage on a DVD, you need to generate a hash of your password. Ensure you do this in a secure environment where nobody else can check your shell history or your list of running processes.


  1. SystemRescue tools:
  2. Creating a backing store:
  3. Boot options:
  4. "Developing Tiny Core Linux Extensions" by Rubén Llorente, Linux Magazine, issue 243, February 2021:
  5. Perl IO::Socket documentation and examples:

The Author

Rubén Llorente is a mechanical engineer who ensures that the IT security measures for a small clinic are both legally compliant and safe. In addition, he is an OpenBSD enthusiast and a weapons collector.

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