Manage SQLite Databases with phpLiteAdmin

Dmitri Popov

Productivity Sauce

Feb 23, 2012 GMT
Dmitri Popov

If you happen to use a web-based or regular application that relies on an SQLite database for storing data, you might appreciate the phpLiteAdmin tool. This lightweight utility consists of a single 150KB PHP script that requires no installation. Open the script in a text editor, and modify the $password and $directory parameters. The latter should point to the directory containing SQLite databases. Drop the script to the document root of your server, and point your browser to (replace with the actual IP address or domain name of your server).


Despite its tiny size, phpLiteAdmin is a rather capable tool which supports a wide range of actions. You can use it to create and delete databases, manage tables, import data, and perform searches. phpLiteAdmin also lets you construct and run custom SQL queries and even write your PHP functions for manipulating column values. All phpLiteAdmin's functionality is wrapped in a user-friendly interface, so even if you are not a database guru, you can quickly get to grips with the tool.

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