
Brute Force

How an intruder attacks SSH

Apr 03, 2024

Sometimes the only way to break into an SSH server is through brute force – and yes, there are tools for that.

Smart Shell

Accessing the Google Pathways LLM from a Bash Script

Apr 03, 2024

The PaLMShell.bash script lets you connect to the Google Pathways API Large Language Model (PaLM) from the command line.

Improving the User Experience


Jul 08, 2024

The KDE Human Interface Guidelines aim to help developers improve the user experience across a variety of aspects, and revisions are underway.

Stolen Credentials

Understanding and preventing credential stuffing attacks

Feb 24, 2024

A credential stuffing cyberattack uses username and password credentials stolen in a data breach to gain access to your accounts. We explain how it works and how to prevent yourself from becoming a victim.

Seamless Overview

Jail and monitor your applications

Feb 24, 2024

Software from unknown sources always poses some risks. With the strace analysis tool and the Firejail sandbox, you can monitor and isolate unknown applications to safeguard your system.

Deepfake Sleuth

Detecting and disrupting AI

Jun 13, 2024

The rise of AI-generated deepfakes requires tools for detecting and even disrupting the technology.

Nicely Packaged

A C/C++ package manager

Jan 30, 2024

If you use a state-of-the-art language such as C/C++, you need a package manager in your toolbox for managing libraries and their dependencies. Microsoft's vcpkg package manager offers an easy-to-use, platform-independent solution.


Learn about phishing attacks with HiddenEye

Jan 30, 2024

To stop an attacker, you need to think like an attacker, and to think like an attacker, you need to learn the tools for the trade. HiddenEye helps you simulate a phishing attack.

Good Question!

Use AI to generate shell input

Jan 30, 2024

Shell Genie uses artificial intelligence to convert your questions into commands in the terminal.

Expanding options for better keyboards

The New Generation of Ergonomic Keyboards

May 21, 2024

Recent years have seen increasing innovation in ergonomic keyboards, and today’s leading producers offer solid options.

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