Highlight Learns F#

Sep 10, 2009

The new version of Highlight, the software that highlights numerous program codes in color, supports amongst other languages, F#.

Further alterations include support for "nested" program languages like Pascal+Assembly or HTML+PHP+JS+CSS

F# (F Sharp) was developed by Microsoft for the Dotnet framework. The language is related to Ocaml and ML and the function and object-oriented programming styles. Also included in Highlight 2.12 is the program language Haxe, which draws closely on Javas and ECMAscript.

Highlight can process around 130 programming and design languages, reproduced in the reader-friendly codes HTML, XHTML, RTF, Tex, LaTex, SVG, XML or ANSI-Escape. The tool can be tested in an online demo.
Highlight 2.12 is under GPLv3 as source code and in various Linux package formats available for download along with installation files for Windows, MAC OS X, and Solaris.

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  • Highlight Learns F#

    The new version of Highlight, the software that highlights numerous program codes in color, supports amongst other languages, F#. For those who feel that the concept of this story is insightful, the probability is you are thinking about using Linux as your number one or simply a substitute Operating system when you find yourself simply sick and tired of your old OS. Though the majority feel that Linux is too difficult that it is attractive only to geeks, Linux-magazine.com can certainly demonstrate that this splendid operating-system is essentially for all people. It is regularly enjoyable to find out about Highlight Learns F#.

    Renata Sanfiorenzo,
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